Our brains, the controllers of our bodies, are intricate systems of chemical and electrical activities with about 100 billion neurons. While we know a lot about how the brain works, there is still a lot to learn. What we do know is that the brain is designed to adapt to changes in the body and our environment and function well at all times. Neurofeedback is all about training the dysregulated brain to self-regulate.

Neurofeedback, a non-invasive biofeedback therapy, enhances brainwave patterns by rewarding them. It treats ADHD, stress, anxiety, depression, migraines, sleep issues, memory problems, epilepsy, PTSD, and brain damage. After an assessment including EEG and psychological evaluations, therapy is customized.
Using EEG sensors on the scalp and ears, brainwave activity is monitored and displayed on a computer. Clients shift brainwaves through computer games, like a racing car game responding to specific patterns. These states are practiced during daily tasks for optimized brain function. Learn more at
The waves in the brain can be detected at different frequencies and are associated with different physiological and neurological states. The waves in the brain are called alpha, beta, delta, theta and gamma.
These are often predominant in sleep and associated with the repair of the brain, intuition, emotional radar, trauma and unconscious thought.
DELTA (1-4 HZ)
Alpha are associated with a neutral, peaceful, relaxed state and are important because they allow the flow from restorative sleep to alertness.
ALPHA (8-12 HZ)
BETA (12-32 HZ)
There are three frequency bands and these waves are associated with mental alertness, physical relaxation, sustained attention, thinking, focusing, and conscious thought. The higher beta waves are associated with a hyper-status, especially extreme anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
These are present in subconscious thought, and associated with insight, meditative and creative.
THETA (4-8 HZ)
These are associated with integrative thinking, creativity and learning.
GAMMA (32-64 HZ)